Thursday, June 12, 2008

Justus - Portland Police Department

Today's painting is Justus - an absolutely gorgeous German Shepherd with the Portland Oregon Police Department. Thank you very much Ryan and Justus for putting yourselves in harm's way to protect the rest of us!

German Shepherd
4" x 6" Oil on Panel
From Ryan Hilsenteger, his partner:
"Justus is a full bred, two year old German Shepherd, purchased for $7,500.
He had 400 hours of basic training and continues to train on a weekly basis. He has been my partner on the streets of Portland, OR for about 15 months and has accounted for the apprehension of 45 criminals. The most memorable, perhaps because it was only his 3rd capture, involved a wanted subject who ran from the scene of a domestic violence call. This same suspect was seen days before running from police and having a gun. Officers chased and lost sight from the domestic location. I arrived and deployed Justus minutes later. He was hot on the track of fresh human scent and led me straight to the property of a high school about 2 blocks away. Justus alerted on the SE corner of the gymnasium and there was the suspects shirt in the bushes. Justus continued to bark in this corner. Assuming (bad thing to do) he was just still excited from finding the shirt, I pulled him away and made him search for the suspect. We area searched the nearby school grounds and he showed no interest. Going around the back side of the gymnasium, he began to pull me hard back towards the front and opposite NE corner from where the shirt was. He stopped here too and literally started barking at the corner of the gymnasium again while pointing his nose straight up. Long story short, the suspect was laying down on the roof of the gym, trying not to be seen. After changing our position and shining a light up there, we could see his shadow. He was ordered down with the help of a fire truck ladder and arrested....not bad for being over 30 feet above us on the ground.....TRUST YOUR DOG!"

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