Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rex - Mini Pin in Uniform


14"x18" Oil on Canvas
(click to enlarge)

I hated taking down Spiffy's portrait! Rex is a nice guy to replace her, though. He's wearing a United States Union uniform from the Civil War. When I do a painting like this, I do a lot of research to find a real uniform that suits the dog, unless the client has a specific idea already.

I have set up a new category on my website to showcase some of the more creative portraits I've painted. I have done a number of Pub Signs and some dogs in uniform. I'd love to do a cat in uniform! I didn't have them on my site, but I spent all day fixing that!

Click here to see more dogs in uniform and some really neat pub signs.
As usual, all the photos are clickable so you can see larger more detailed photos.

Thanks again for your interest in my artwork - let's all get creative!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Spiffy Finished - and an angelic portrait started



I have a new favorite painting! I absolutely love this painting - what do you think? do you like the bolder more impressionist style?

The internet doesn't do justice to the painting - the enlargements are a bit better, so make sure you click on them to see.

Also started a new commission today - Vesuvius - a beautiful, wonderful Rottweiler who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. This portrait will highlight the angelic side of him. It should prove to be interesting!

16"x20" Oil on Canvas

Thanks for your interest in my artwork- if you like my art, please forward this to your friends :)


Keep on creating!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Jacket for Jet & A Colorful Poodle

I had a great day in the studio today! After I straightened out the mess with my website about paypal not working for the notecards - how frustrating! And google has locked me out of my original "Daily Painting" group, so I had to start a new one without access to the email addresses of the existing membership - so join again!! Forward this to anyone you think would be interested - let's get this list going again!

(click to enlarge)
Black Labrador
Search & Rescue Dog
Original Oil Painting 6" x 4"

This is Jet - a Search & Rescue Dog with D.A.W.G.S

After I completed the painting, Chris, his handler, reminded me that I was going to add the jacket :) - So he gets two days of being dog of the day!

The orange of the jacket really makes it 'pop' - a big improvement over the original. Probably why I meant to do it in the first place LOL

Thank you, Chris, Jet and all the other handlers & dogs out there that spend so much time and money to save us from harm.

I also got a quite a bit of work done on the poodle. I am doing this as a surprise for my husband's 80+ year old aunt. I am not sure how adventurous her taste in art is, but I love this painting. This little guy was "Spiffy" - and he passed away a few months ago. Normally, I start out very
colorful like this, and then tone it down with layers of more muted colors. I remember a famous equine artist said that "people want a painting of their horse, not my impression of their horse" He would go so far as to bring his paints out into the field to exactly match the horse's hair.

"Spiffy" 12"x16" Oil on Canvas
(click to enlarge)

I do try to make the paintings more colorful, but very realistic. You can't tell on the internet, but my paintings have a lot more color than the actual animal has. I feel that this gives the aura of life to the painted surface. As I was painting Spiffy's portrait, I felt that his personality was shining through. Although I met him during his last months, he still had a wonderful personality, although he had slowed down quite a bit. I really hope that she likes the painting as colorful as it is. If not, I will tone it down and make it more realistic. It's just paint :) I'll paint my dog like this, and then I can keep it!

(click to enlarge)

The light was not good when I took this photo, the painting is not as dark as it appears here. I should get the background in while the paint is still wet, but I'm really tired and wanted to get this up on the 'net before I called it a night.

I have another project beginning to take form in my mind. I'll tell you more as I have more information.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jet - Search & Rescue Dog

Black Labrador
Search & Rescue Dog

(click to enlarge)
Original Oil Painting
6" x 4"

This is Jet - a Search & Rescue Dog with D.A.W.G.S

In this painting of Jet, I was trying to portray his eagerness to help and his muscular body. His handler sent me a number of photos, but this one really stood out because he was so alert he was ready to jump out of the picture. I changed his pose a little bit for compositional reasons, but basically, this is the photo. Remember, these are just small, quick ol sketches, not full portraits.

Jet was rescued from a shelter at 4 months old, at 2 years old he had earned his advanced certification for wilderness search with Disaster and Wilderness Ground Searchers (DAWGS). Now almost 7, he is one of the more experienced dogs in the group. His boundless enthusiasm and energy, unacceptable problem attributes for him in his original “pet” home, became strengths for him once he was taught a job to do and given frequent opportunities to practice it.

Chris Chorney - Jet’s handler - is a founding member of DAWGS and Operations Leader. 7 years ago he decided to expand his understanding of search management by getting a dog and becoming a handler. He never expected to get as challenging or rewarding a working partner, and as good a friend, as Jet.

Disaster and Wilderness Ground Searchers (DAWGS) is a volunteer search unit dedicated to the training of search and rescue dogs, handlers and support personnel in order to provide professional and highly-skilled search and rescue teams in the event of emergency response events. Formed in 1997 and operational in the spring of 1998, their primary search area is the state of Connecticut, although they are willing to assist disaster relief efforts and lost person searches wherever they are needed.

Thank you, Chris, Jet and all the other handlers & dogs out there that spend so much time and money to save us from harm.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Charity Painting to benefit Lone Star Bulldog Rescue

Charity Painting to benefit Lone Star Bulldog Rescue
and check out "Computer Tools for Artists" on eBay

This is a watercolor painting that I did a few years ago. I am auctioning it off to generate funds for Lone Star Bulldog Rescue

From the Lone Star Bulldog site: Here at Lone Star Bulldog Rescue we accept Bulldogs whose owners can no longer keep them, and retrieve Bulldogs from shelters and undesirable situations. We then rehabilitate them before placement by providing necessary medical treatment, as well as spaying and neutering all dogs that come into our care.At this point we thoroughly screen applicants before making placement decisions, as well as informing interested adopters about rescue and our requirements. Then we place Bulldogs in suitable homes as soon as reasonably possible, so they can start their "new lives" quickly.While these Bulldogs are waiting for their new homes they are fostered in the home of someone in our rescue.

Any of you artists out there will be interested in the book I have on ebay - there are only a few hours left - check it out - Creative Computer Tools for Artists - it shows you how to use your computer to help with compositional decisions, color choices, lots of great ideas for using the power of your computer to help you make better art! I really learned a lot from it. You might be interested in looking at it - click here to view the auction for the book, or search for aportraitforyou on eBay.

Thanks again for your interest and emails!


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Uintah - Golden Retriever SAR Dog


This is the first painting in my new project of painting Search & Rescue, K-9 or Mounted Patrol animals.

Kacy is Uintah's partner - here is what she says about Uintah:

"Uintah and I are with Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs. We are an all volunteer rescue team who provides our services to any police agency requesting them. We do wilderness/area searches, avalanche rescues, water recovery, disaster recovery, human tracking/trailing, and cadaver. We train weekly with our dogs and then once a month as a group.

"Uintah is a 2 1/2 year old Golden Retriever. She was my graduation present from my husband. I drove from Connectiuct to Wyoming on my way home to Utah to get her, and we have been inseparable since then. She was named because of the Uinta Mountains here in Utah and is living up to her name. She is an amazing search and rescue dog, because there is nothing in this world she loves more than people. She gets a huge smile on her face when someone-anyone-is paying attention to her. She is wonderful with kids and older people, and she becomes a little ham when anyone has a camera. Her favorite trick is wave bye-bye, but she can also spin, rewind, stick-um-up, be shy, play dead, high 5, shake, and crawl. She is truly my best friend, my partner, my entertainment and my world."

If you are a member of Search & Rescue, K-9 or Mounted Patrol, please allow me to paint a small portrait for you at no charge, in gratitude for your service.

As usual, thanks for your interest in my artwork and the encouragement and emails!

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