Sunday, July 08, 2007

Marilyn Monroe Teapot II

Well, here I am, I bet you thought you'd never get another painting from me! I've been busy with some commissions, one of a young boy that I can't wait to show you!

Without further ado, here is the latest 'fun' painting - I just love this teapot! This is a quick study done on 3/4" plywood, it's 9"x 9". I had some small pieces laying around that I didn't want to go to waste. I will have to do something else to them though. I couldn't stand painting on this flat gesso surface, the brush just dragged! Usually when I paint on wood or a panel, I coat the surface with lacquer, a technique I learned from artist Joy Thomas It's a lot of fun to paint on a lacquered surface, the paint just slips and slides and you can do a lot of manipulation.

Marilyn Monroe Teapot II
Oil on Panel
9"x 9"

Available for $100 by sending me your request by email :)

Thanks for your interest - see you soon!

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